Everyone must read this, WHO has released the list of symptoms of heart attack, if you know then you will be saved from sudden death.


When your body is cold but you are sweating, it can be a symptom of a heart attack.
When there is less blood supply in the skin, it can be a symptom of heart attack.

Symptoms of Heart attack and Stroke: Most deaths occur every year due to cardiovascular diseases i.e. heart related diseases. According to World Health Organization data, 1.79 crore people die every year due to cardiovascular disease. This figure is 31 percent of the total deaths occurring every year in the world. The surprising thing is that about 85 percent of these deaths are due to only two diseases. The first of these is heart attack and the second is stroke. Both are heart related diseases. Statistics also show that the incidence of heart attack or stroke is highest in low and middle income countries. Even in our country, it is often heard that a young person suddenly dies of a heart attack. Keeping all these things in mind, WHO has presented the symptoms of heart attack and stroke to the world.

Symptoms of Heart Attack

    • 1. Chest pain – According to the list issued by WHO, when pain starts in the middle of the chest and discomfort is felt, one should immediately contact the doctor. This discomfort can be a symptom of a heart attack.
    • 2. Pain in the hands – According to WHO, when there is pain or discomfort in the hands, left shoulder, elbow, jaw and back, then these can also be symptoms of heart attack.
    • 3. Shortness of breath – When you have trouble breathing and start feeling short of breath, then this can also be a symptom of heart attack. If this happens, contact doctors immediately.
    • 4. Dizziness – When you feel dizzy often or suddenly become unconscious or feel like fainting, then these can also be symptoms of heart attack.
    • 5. Cold sweat – When your body is cold but you are sweating, it can be a symptom of heart attack. Due to this, yellowness may also appear in the body. This happens because the blood supply to the skin reduces.

Stroke symptoms

    • 1. Sudden weakness – When you suddenly feel weakness or suddenly feel numbness in the face, hand, leg or one part of the body, i.e. there is no sensation on one side, then these are symptoms of stroke.
    • 2. Confusion- When there is frequent confusion in the mind, difficulty in speaking and difficulty in understanding what someone says, then these can be symptoms of stroke.
    • 3. Problems in eyes – When one faces problems in seeing from one eye or both eyes, it can be a stroke.
    • 4. Difficulty in walking – When there is difficulty in walking, difficulty in balancing while walking and feeling dizzy, then these can be symptoms of stroke.
    • 5. Headache- When there is severe headache without any reason, it can be a symptom of stroke.