Focus remains on all vitamins but sometimes we pay attention to this vitamin, it prevents cancer and heart disease.

Vitamin B6 Prevent Cancer: Vitamins and minerals are very essential for our life. They kill disease-causing microorganisms in our body, heal wounds, strengthen bones and regulate many types of hormones. Whenever someone becomes weak, people usually say that there is vitamin deficiency. Often people talk about Vitamin B, B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D etc. and focus more on it, but most people do not know about Vitamin B6. But Vitamin B6 is a vitamin which plays an important role in protecting against cancer and heart attack.

Function of Vitamin B6

According to Harvard School of Public Health, Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B6 is an active co-enzyme. It helps more than a hundred enzymes in their work. Vitamin B6 breaks down proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It maintains homocysteine. Increasing homocysteine ​​level increases the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B6 is very important for immune function and brain health. Therefore, it becomes a period for many diseases including cancer.

How does it reduce the risk of cancer?

Harvard School of Public Health reported that clinical studies found that adequate intake of foods rich in vitamin B6 and higher levels of vitamin B6 in the blood reduce the risk of all types of cancer. Especially it greatly reduces the risk of gastro cancer. However, the study also found that if vitamin B6 is taken through supplements, it is not effective in protecting against diseases. For this, food containing Vitamin B6 is beneficial. That is, if you want to increase its quantity in the body by taking Vitamin B6 tablets, it will not be beneficial. Vitamin B6 reduces oxidative stress due to which tumor cells are unable to grow. According to the study, adequate intake of Vitamin B6 protects from heart attack or heart disease because Vitamin B6 does not allow the level of homocysteine ​​to increase. Increase in homeostatin reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

What to eat for Vitamin B6

To ensure that there is no deficiency of Vitamin B6 in the body, tuna, salmon fish, whole grains, chickpeas, chicken etc. should be consumed. If you are a vegetarian, then you should consume enough green leafy vegetables, banana, orange, papaya, apple, strawberry, grapes etc.