Why did this Muslim country get angry at the Indian government, know what is the matter of the arms deal?

Azerbaijan on Indian Government: Azerbaijan is a Muslim country and its war is going on with its neighboring country Armenia. India supplies arms to Armenia. On the other hand, Muslim countries Turkey and Pakistan supply arms to Azerbaijan. Amidst all this, Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev has attacked India and France regarding Armenia.

Azerbaijan’s President Aliyev has targeted India and France and said that the countries supplying arms to Armenia are adding fuel to the fire. The matter is that amid the ongoing dispute with Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, Armenia has made a big arms deal with big countries like India and France.

Know what the President of Khisiye Azerbaijan said?

During a conference in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev said regarding the ongoing dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, ‘Countries like France and India are adding fuel to the fire by supplying weapons to Armenia. These countries are creating an illusion in Armenia that with the help of these weapons they can take back Karabakh. In recent months, Armenia has signed a variety of arms deals with France and India, including air defense systems and armored vehicles. Aliyev warned that the arms supply could trigger a new war in the region.

Which weapons will India supply?

According to the report, Armenia will buy MArG 155 self-propelled howitzers from India. According to media reports, in October 2023, a senior Armenian official came to India to discuss the arms deal. According to the report, the official had said that India has emerged as a reliable arms supplier as per the needs of Armenia. The report also said that India is considering supplying a new consignment of military equipment to Armenia after the successful delivery of the first consignment of weapons.

What is the dispute between Azerbaijan-Armenia?

Both Armenia and Azerbaijan were formed after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. But the dispute between the two has been going on since the 1980s. This dispute between the two countries is regarding the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh area. Nagorno-Karabakh has been under the occupation of Azerbaijan since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Azerbaijan is a Muslim country, while Armenia is a predominantly Christian nation.

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